Food Chains
Eye-opening, hopeful documentary film about farm labor, especially the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and Napa Valley workers; participants include Eva Langoria and Eric Schlosser (2014; 83’)
Eye-opening, hopeful documentary film about farm labor, especially the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and Napa Valley workers; participants include Eva Langoria and Eric Schlosser (2014; 83’)
Landmark CBS-TV documentary about the plight of migrant farmworkers (Thanksgiving Day, 1960; sponsored by Philip Morris, with host Edward R. Murrow smoking a cigarette; 52’)
“Modern-day Slavery on American Farms” in Georgia (USA Today, 2022) and in Florida (Coalition of Immokalee Farmworkers)
Efficient, productive, humane— the future of farming? (Dutch public broadcasting service) A Washington Post article takes an in-depth look at Dutch farming (2022; subscription required)
Beautiful film advocating local, sustainable agriculture. 22’
Food for Thought, Food for Life Read More »
A Netflix film, narrated by Woody Harrelson, that advocates regenerative agriculture and a more-plant-based diet